Dominant Species

That is what I often hear when I discuss politics with people. His fucking name always pops up somewhere in the conversation. Why? Just because I say something with conviction. Just because I'm hard.
For example yesterday I raised the opinion that all drugs should be legal since it is the choice of the individual what s/he wants to do. It's not because Heroin is illegal that I don't use it. Anyway someone then said that a lot of people, weak in mind, will destroy themselves. So I said good because Earth is over-populated anyway and the strong will survive. "You sound like Hitler!" Yadayada yada bla bleh!
Why are peoples brains so fucking small? What is Hitler got to do with what I said? Both statements are true: people should have free will and this planet is over-populated. It's just fact. Ever heard of supply and demand? We are going to die anyway, all of us. Let's not have Gods sort us out, let's do it ourselves. Let the strong survive. Strong in mind and will. Why have a world of sheep? Let's have a world of wolves.
Oh, what a grand place it would be. Like ancient Greece where thinkers, poets, individuals, athletes, scientists and the like worked together for a 'society' of high moral and achievement.
Enough ranting. I would like, instead, to conclude with a quote by Immortal Technique because he tells it like it is:
Yo, in a hundred years form now everyone who's living on this planet will be dead. So it's inconsequential really, all the shit that you talk. All the bullshit that you stand for. It's more important what, what you're ready to build. What you're ready to pass down to your children. What you're ready to create. You better fucking remember that when you challenge a motherfucker like me. Remember, I'm the dominant species!
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