Nidhogg is a Norse dragon that, when not tending to the destruction of the roots of Yggdrasil, punishes the most wicked dead by sucking on their corpses for sustinence. Just like Nidhogg we need to detroy the roots of the world i.e. TRADITIONS and CULTURES to form new and better ones, and like Nidhogg we must devour all evil doers because the world needs Freedom, Justice and Truth! --- Updated: 21st of Jan 2009

LATEST NEWS (JAN): Don't believe the Obama hype, war is still coming! Feel free to comment here on this site... if you have something intelligent to say that is!

August 09, 2006


The price of an apartment, to buy or rent, is an insult to all of humanity. It should not cost more than what it costs to pay for a visit to a toilet. None of us alive asked to be born. Why should we then have to slave and toil just to pay our FUCKING rent? When are people going to realise that things doesn't have to be like they are just because that's they way they've always been?

Let's not ony reclaim the streets and nature, but our own freedom as well.

© deviadah


Blogger Jenn said...

The price of housing in Toronto is so fucking rediculous. I've known people who had to work more than one job and have room mates to pay the bills. Minimum wage is too low for people to live on. There are too many people living on the street in this city. If that isn't enough of a slap in the face, a couple years ago a law was passed to move homeless away from city hall. they are more interested in how things look than solving the problem. If I work two weeks on minimum wage, I will be a few hundred short on rent, and wont be able to buy groceries. I'm currently surviving on luck. It's fucking pitiful! Politics dosn't solve a goddamn thing. Politicians are there to sing and dance. that's it.

3:57 pm  
Blogger deviadah said...

Yeah, exactly. There is an election here in the middle of september; I urge all Swedes not to vote. If you do I am sad to say you're lying to yourself!

6:21 am  

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