As soon as I come back, all relaxed and happy, from a week of beautiful weather and good music I find another fucking letter from some Money Grabbing debt collector agency. I call them up saying I don't know what they are talking about (something I owe them from four years back - and I wasn't even living in this country then). Then I say I'm going to come to their office and tell them what I really think and the bitch on the phone says that what I just said could be interpreted as a threat and therefore be reported to the police.
Facism is what it is. They, the corporations/banks can threaten the people with letters, they can intimidate them with phone calls but WE, the people, can't do the same to them unless we want trouble with the law.
It might sound like I am just picky, or bitching about a personal problem, but this is not so. It is far more important. Personal freedom, of action and speech, is under siege from the Fascist Government of the World. How the hell can we bring those fuckers down?
© deviadah
What can we do? Well, the way I see it peaceful protest accomplishes nothing unless it is seen as a threat to the economy. After all it is not democracy that gave us the freedoms we possess. Violence solves nothing either unless we ALL took a stand. The most reasonable solution I can see right now is to render the system obsolete. The problem is that many people are still not self aware or even interested in self-engineering. I hope this dosn't sound too pompous, but I have an idea that if everyone were to become masters of their own minds, knowledge of the bounderies between each persons free will, and respect for others would fall naturally into place. Perhaps we should all try harder in using our skills to encourage self awareness. Art or all kinds, written word, magick, labors of love, our relationships how we deal with each other in the workplace, etc.
I agree with you on all accounts. If Self Awareness is the solution to all problems, or at least the path towards a solution, then it is very simple to find out where in society there´s a lack of Self Awareness; parenting and in the school system. It is here the change can be made and the results, I am sure, would only be glorious. A person who has no Art in their life is a Dead person. Art can take many forms (life is an artform).
Bring forth the Art!
Throw out the (f)art!
Only a person who knows how to create can know how it is to be a Creator. And only a Creator knows true love. And if you know true love, if we all did, then such things as War and Greed would become obsolete...
I don't remember if it were you or someone else that said so long as education isn't free, it will be corrupt.
As much as I think self-awareness is the key, how can one deal with people who cannot and will not be reasoned with? The type of people who cannot fathom how you cannot see things their way.
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