Age of (t)Reason

It's so stupid.
Knowledge and the search for that knowledge should not be dictated by money. Even the word "loan" is the most blatant example of human stupidity. How can we loan what does not really exist? The only place on Earth where money lives is in our heads, nowhere else is it present. It means nothing. Whatever happened to Reason? Age of Enlightenment, age of reason... Humbug!
Where did it get us?
In debt till we're dead. If you who read this got an unpaid loan don't pay it back. Fuck them. Move country. Do what you must to fight the oppressors. No body should own you. Especially not a fucking BANK! Enough ranting for now...
Burn your pennies!
© deviadah
That's Capitalism for you. It dosn't work for us, we work for it. As a result, people are exploited all over the place,were killing the planet, we kill over green and we are stuck with inferior products. We are slave to a system that does nothing more than consumes and creates shit. It's a perpetual motion machine that is connected to every aspect of society and there is little we can do about it. I know you're pain. You really should read the "unibomber manifesto". while I don't agree with his actions, he had some interesting points to make regarding our current state.
but what does one do when the state posesses all the power? Personally I would fight with an army for my rights but the lone individual is rather powerless against the state and the media that is owned by the state.
Remember the power they have is only the power you let them have! Change is not impossible. And if it feels better then form an army, but make it an army of Third Eyes! Together we are strong...
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