The Sepulchre of the Soul

Man must therefore depart from his desire for material possessions and rise above ignorance or he is doomed to wander forever making the same mistakes again and again. He will pass into death no wiser than how he passed into life and will sleep for all eternity just as he slept through his existence. Freedom can only come if reason and truth is applied to the bondage of material ignorance. The soul need to enter into the light of understanding and, like the teachings of Buddha, end the cycle of rebirth to achieve a nirvana after death and in this life.
It’s only in sleep that we abandon the physical prison and enter a domain where we are free, although mostly not in control i.e. we spend our waking hours in the lower world and our sleeping in the upper. Of course dreams and journeys to other worlds and dimensions can be achieved without the need of sleep in a process known as astral travel.
So why the fuck am I wanking on about this crap? Well if Freemasonry takes its inspiration from such ancient orders as the Eleusininan Mysteries it can't as bad as so many conspiracy theorists claim. Of course any order, or group, has a couple of rotten eggs but they shouldn't spoil it for everyone else. What is stated above is one of many truths, I think, and if everyone tried to lift themselves above themselves the whole world would, could, become a much greater, and better, place.
In the Dead Sea Scrolls, in the Gospel of Philip, there's a saying that is a favourite of mine:
“Those who say they will die first and then rise are in error. If they do not first receive the resurrection while they live, when they die they will receive nothing.”
© deviadah
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