Thinking about it logically, why would the ruling elite want a One World Government NWO? Separated governments are much more profitable. As long as their is a them to fear there is a need for wise (sic) rulers to protect us. As long as they live against the will of God(s), there is a need for holy (sic) men to convert them. And as long as there is the threat of an evil New World Order, the educated middle class are to busy chasing conspiracies to notice that there never was such a thing as democracy and that the Old World Order is quietly laughing all the way to the bank. That's my crackpot theory...”
The quote above is something I agree on. I have always said that a NWO, and especially, the NWO that Adam Weishaupt was dreaming about when he created the Illuminati is not a 'bad' thing. On the contrary it could, possibly, contribute to a peaceful world.
And if I'm wrong and the Evil Elite (as I call 'em) really want a NWO then let them have it. It's much easier to overthrow one government than hundreds of them.
Don't believe in money…
© deviadah
The above quote comes from: www.abovetopsecret.com and was posted by WearBear on the 14th of March 2005 at 12:03 AM. Post Number: 1237641 (post id: 1262677). Click on he title of this post to see the original in full.
I don't think it is as simple as you say it is. Even if what you say about Adam Weishauput is true, "...the NWO that Adam Weishaupt was dreaming about when he created the Illuminati is not a 'bad' thing. On the contrary it could, possibly, contribute to a peaceful world," it doesn't help us. Also, when you say it would be easier to overthrow one government than hundreds, I think you are exagerating a bit. Just think about all of the loyal people he would have on his side. Do you think he would be stupid enough to pick a handful of people who would betray him or do you think his bodyguards or HIS army yould let him be overtaken. I don't think so. Maybe Adam Weishaput's intentions had been genuinely benign, but it is turning out to be a nightmare. People in politics are dirty!
I am not sure I follow your argument. "Do you think he would be stupid enough to pick a handful of people who would betray him or do you think his bodyguards or HIS army yould let him be overtaken." Ar eyou talking about Adam Weishaupt here?
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