“Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.”
Albert Einstein
How can patriotism and nationalism be rejected? In a sense to reject these two isms, that I henceforth will term patrinationalism, is to essentially reject oneself, ones country, ones people and ones origin. Who is willing to do this? Who can spit at his mother and father? Who can burn the very thing that represents the place of belonging? Not the weak. Not the open-minded. Not a citizen of the world. Not a dinosaur. For people who find this impossible there is no cure other than the hope that realisation might one day spring into their feeble little minds.
Patrinationalism is a blanket that feels safe. It tells you who you are and what you are. It makes life easy. It is the way of the weak and not the hard. It is the path of separation, aggression and pride not love and harmony. It creates Us and Them. It becomes a line drawn between all men and women of the world.
But it does some good doesn’t it? It protects culture. It unites the citizens. With the spirit of patrinationalism wondrous tasks can be performed. It is like the heart and face of a nation.
First of all culture has nothing to do with patrinationalism. Culture can spring, die and become reborn from anything and anywhere wherever there is people. Secondly it may unite citizens but it does not unite mankind and no facts or proof need to be stated to prove this. Thirdly wondrous tasks can be performed with the spirit of all mankind. Flags does not need to wave for this to happen. Although it may be the heart and face of a nation all this leads to is many hearts and many faces instead of one heart and one face for all mankind.
The flag represents a conquest of war and in the few cases it does not it still represents an elitistic mentality. A person is only tied to a country out of birth and nothing more. That is all there is to it. When the realisation that the world is round and nature is infinite in this universe without borders or boundaries then how can a line be drawn? No one can own nature. It is for everyone regardless of who gets there first. Does the Moon belong to the United States of America just because they stuck a flag there (if they ever did)? Or does it belong to everyone and everything? It existed before we did and it will probably exist long after we are gone.

Love, harmony and respect for all mankind can only become a reality when every trace of separation is eradicated. Only then will bliss on Earth become visible. Only then will wars begin to end. Only then can we laugh at the stupidity of our ancestors when they drew up the first symbols of patrinationalism. Do your bit and burn the flag. If someone has a problem with this then just let him or her know that you are a free individual with the right to do as you please as long as you cause no harm to anyone else. A flag cannot feel pain, but a flag can be the cause of pain. Are you just going to let is flutter up there on its mast for all to see, or are you going to rip it down and do what human kind should have done long ago… moved on?
(4 December 2005)
© deviadah
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