Money War

But it does not interest me what so ever. Such horror. Such pointless futile actions just to get grub on the table. I don't want a career. It does not inspire me. I am happy in my house reading, writing or making music. Who says I've got to work. I understand food costs money and so does an apartment... but should they? Should Home and Food have a value? Isn't that what is wrong with society? These are the two things every person in the world should be entitled to have for free. Shouldn't they? Am I out on a limb here saying this?
Keep the Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell (click on the title of this post to read the book for free) sums up my life a little right now. It is a tale I highly recommend about a man who involves himself with a War against Money. A war he can't win, but a war that he (and we) should win.
The value of money lies in the value we give it. Let's not forget this very important fact. If we all, collectively, do this we all win. Out on a limb again? Pipe-dream? Perhaps, but at least I am dreaming like this instead of being a career-driven mongoloid who hasn't realized that the contentment he/she feels the ladder climbing gives does not guarantee an enjoyable existence.
Most people are happy with their job because if they weren't they'd be depressed. I think it's better to face the sad sad music and come to terms with the pointlessness of a pointless job that only functions as a means to pay for the ends needed to live.
Anyone got a job for me, though?
Kinda hungry...
© deviadah
Hi There,
Interesting Blog, are you broadcasting your views as a profane or are you one of us, Knights Templar / Illuminati.
Let me know ?
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