Nidhogg is a Norse dragon that, when not tending to the destruction of the roots of Yggdrasil, punishes the most wicked dead by sucking on their corpses for sustinence. Just like Nidhogg we need to detroy the roots of the world i.e. TRADITIONS and CULTURES to form new and better ones, and like Nidhogg we must devour all evil doers because the world needs Freedom, Justice and Truth! --- Updated: 21st of Jan 2009

LATEST NEWS (JAN): Don't believe the Obama hype, war is still coming! Feel free to comment here on this site... if you have something intelligent to say that is!

October 24, 2004

The Original Sin

"They that be whole, need not a physician; but they that are sick."

Matthew 9:12

Alchemists have sought, what some are said to have found, the Elixir of Life. If this is drunk it is believed to prolong life, but not prevent death, and restore health and youth. What could this elixir be? Could it be more scientific than at first believed. More technical than mythological? Is the Holy Grail, containing the blood of Jesus Christ, a symbol of the truth behind immortality and not just a legend concerning it. Maybe what we eat and how we eat are more important than we give it credit. Not just for the gain or loss of weight, but the actual gain or loss of years of life.
In modern times the sales of books dealing with recepies and diets have the highest sales figures than any other genre. This clearly shows that the human race love and fear food, knowing perhaps unconsciously, that it will bring about their ruin just like it did for Adam and Eve.

The Story of the Forbidden Fruit

In the Genesis Eve gets asked by the Serpents if she can eat of every plant in paradise. Her reply is:
“We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; but God said, You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.”
Then the Serpent urged Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, but Eve was fearful of Gods wrath and would not do what the Serpent commanded so he assured her:
“You will not die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Then the Serpent made Eve promise that she would also give Adam the fruit to eat of, which she did.

If Orginal Sin is the origin of death or if it is Adam’s actions, which we imitate, leads to the sin which result is death has been argued. Death and Sin does not necessarily mean the same thing in the scriptures, but what is important is that the symbolic act of eating caused sin and eventually death.
So this famous story in Genesis clearly tells us that to eat is the beginning of decline. By not eating, or eating right as shall be discussed further on, man might become close to a God because he would be immortal.
Maybe that is why in Christianity and Judaism fasting is a symbol of sadness, mourning and punishment for sins. Fasting is symbolically ‘not eating’ and perhaps it is because of the Original Sin and beginning of death by digestion that this ritual emerged? Contrary in the Islamic faith the act of fasting is an annual ritual, the Ramadan, of worship and joy.

The Story of Free Radicals

Free radicals are a toxic byproduct of the body’s metabolism. When food is metabolized it burn oxygen (process called oxidation), which produces free radicals that combine and form toxic molecules that attack and burn everything they touch at a molecular level. They can destroy cell membranes, disrupt bodily processes, reprogram DNA, form mutant cells and more. Mainly free radical damage is the major cause of aging and of all degenerative conditions. In fact around 80 per cent of damage to the body is the result of free radicals.
The more difficult the digestion is, like meat, the more oxidation is required to break it down. More oxidation, more free radicals.

Free radicals are produced in response to many different everyday things, such as:

All foods subjected to high heat especially animal products made from cows, pigs, lambs, fishes, chickens and other birds, eggs, dairy products, animal fats and proteins, metabolic waste products contained in animal tissues and organs. Refined foods like white sugar, white flour and hydrogenated oils. Preservatives, colorings and other food additives. Leftovers. Tap water.

Environmental pollution from chemicals, asbestos, pesticide residues, and other man-made pollutants including the out-gassing of plastic and other synthetics, lack of clean fresh air, smoking, passive smoking, radiation from outside power linesm TV’s, computer monitors and worst of all microwave ovens.

Alcohol, chemotherapy, medications, prescriptions and over the counter drugs.

Sunburn and sun exposure through the weakend ozone layer, exposure to excess heat or cold, metabolism, heart disease, strokes, inflammation, stress, non-positive mental states and excessive physical and mental exertion.

Synthetic materials such as polyester, acetate, satin and plastic.

The Story of Antioxidants

But nature has designed it so that the body produces substances called antioxidants, which convert free radicals into harmless molecules. Uric acid is one of the body’s most powerful natural antioxidants. The ability to produce this powerful antioxidant depends on factors such as age, gene inheritance, nutrition and stress.
Progreria is a rare disease that affects children. Its effect is an inability to produce metabolic antioxidant enzymes. Therefore a person suffering from this horrible illness age at an extremly accelerated rate where a ten year old child might have same look and feel as a very old person.
There are foods that create plenty of antioxidants such as barely, wheat, kamut, chlorella, oat, raw and uncooked foods from the plant kingdom, grape seed, grape skin, pine bark, rosemary and green tea.

The Story of Telomeres

At the tips of the DNA molecule contain a chain of repeating enzymes called telomeres (kinda like the blank leaders on film or the plastic covering on the ends of shoe laces). These telomeres provide a shock-absorbing zone where replication errors will not result in any of the vital DNA sequence being lost. When cells die, due to free radicals, they duplicate and life goes on. But each time a small portion of the DNA molecule is lost and not copied.
This loss is usually to the telomere and it has been noted that as humans grow older these telomeres shorten till eventually they are so short that the losses in replication affect the vital DNA molecule sequence thus preventing the cell from its ability to duplicate, which brings about the aging process.
Only in the germ cells, that are the progenitors of sperm and egg, are the telomeres restored by an enzyme called telomerase making them basically immortal. Also in cancer cells are the telomeres restored and this is the reason why tumours are so deadly, because they can duplicate ad infinitum.
Scientists, like Dr. Jerry Shay and Dr. Woodring Wright, have artificially lengthened the telomeres in cells and the result was a prolonged life the equivalent of an extra hundreds of years of human life. Now it has not yet been fully understood and is in no way a practice, yet, that could safely be applied to a living human being and cause him/her to become practically immortal. What is important to note, though, are the following five points:

1. Eating, and eating wrong, causes excessive amounts of free radicals.
2. Free radicals cause cells to die.
3. When cells die they duplicate.
4. Each time cells duplicate the telomeres in the DNA molecule are shortened.
5. When the telomeres become too short the DNA data is lost and aging is the result followed by death.

The Story of Calories

All living things require energy to survive, including Homo Sapiens, and this energy is derived from the food that is consumed. The standard measure of heat energy is the calorie. One calorie (kcal) is the amount necessary to heat one gram of water to one degree Ceclsius.
Humans need three types of foods, macronutrients, which are carbonhydrates, proteins and fats (minerals and vitamins are also essential). When the macronutrients are broken down in the digestive system they are transported to the bloodstream that delivers them to cells where they are used for energy. Proteins yield 4 kcal per gram and fats yield 9 kcal per gram.
Since the 1930’s scientists have known that calorie-restricted diets of animals can increase a life span 50 per cent longer than normal. This means that a diet low in calories, but high in nutrients, would extend the length of a persons life and improves his/hers health.

The Story of Comte de Saint Germain

There are many men that has been believed to have gained immortality. One that shall be mentioned here, due to his peculiar eating habits, is the Wonderman Comte de Saint Germain who was an adventurer, an alchemist and a diplomat.. His main position in history is in during the 18th century and there are many tales spun about and around him. One of great interest is that he is said to have possessed the Elixir of Life.
Although he never ate or drank in public he had a very strict diet of oatmeal, groats and the white meat of chicken. He had a reciåie of a purge made of senna pods and on rare occasions would have some wine. He took great precautions to minimize the wear and tear of the body always trying to avoid getting a cold. When he slept he allegedly stopped the mechanism of the human clock. The physcial decay that occurs unknowingly within the body, like the free radicals spoken of earlier, was known by him in some form.


Now if eating is equal death than does this mean we should cease to eat? No, but we should definitly eat less. What then? Perhaphs the Elixir of Life holds some clue. If a potion could be made that held all that is vitally necessary for the functions of the body to keep working is regularly drunk, and if also the person puts himself in a meditating state where he projects and restores his energy to what suits him best then he would not need to consume the same amount of foods as the everyday man. By eating less the process of decay will take longer thus ensuring a greater life span of up to a minimum of double what is considered normal.
In northern China, amongst the mountains, lies a village (Sinhua) where the average life expectancy is 85 years and no case of serious disease have been registered. This is due to the fresh mountain air, the eating of foods with no chemical supplements and the drinking of pure spring water. Around the village over 200 kinds of medicinial plants grow, in ancient woods, which they use as food supplements.
Can such a place be found in the modern world?
If not is then the world doomed?

In Original Sin the following have been consulted;

The work of:
Richard Weindruch
Ray Walford.
Jerry Shay
Woodring Wright

I. COOPER-OAKLEY, The Comte de St. Germain, 2000.

Harry ALDER, Practical guidance on life prolongation. Saint-Petersburg, 2001.

Ronald BAILEY, Forever Young - The new scientific search for immortality, 2002.

King James Bible

The Scientific American Frontiers Archive

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XI. 1911.

(17 - 22 October 2004)

© deviadah


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