Death or Debt
We are obliged to do as we are told. For instance one obligation that the government gives us is taxation, which in other words means to register a person for the purpose of imposing tribute (money or equivalent paid periodically by prince or State to another in acknowledgement of submission or as a price of peace or protection).
In medieval Europe the feudal system was a relation between the vassal (slave) and the superior. The latter received funds or goods of value and in return provided protection. The difference between the feudal system and the modern scheme of taxation are minimal and purely bureaucratic. For example if the vassal refused to pay the superior the result would probably be certain death, but these days if a person refuses to pay tax the result is debt and/or prison. Do you see any freedom here? Or do you see phrases such as legal property of another/others and bound to absolute obedience?

Hey, taxes pay for such things as health care and schooling! Maybe so, but if there is no free will, or free choice, it is nothing but restriction. And if a government imposes such laws and regulations, regardless of how the government in question was elected, it is nothing but despotic.
Freedom cannot co-exist with slavery. There can be no such thing as a Slavery-freedom Society or a Freedom-slavery Society. Make a choice, and it’s not a difficult one to make.
Another obligation that the government imposes on its subject, that is you and I, is money. But money is only a promissory note, which means that it is a signed document containing written promise to pay stated sum to specified person, or to bearer, at specified date, or on demand. This means money only represents the value of something else; material goods, property or labour performed.
The idea that a person should receive a reward for a job well done is understandable, but it’s incomprehensible that s/he should be rewarded with a promised value issued by a national bank. In fact the idea of a bank is ludicrous. All a bank does, apart from issuing money, is managing the public debt, receiving revenues and keeping the government as its chief customer.
You cannot put a price on a thank you. The value of love is as hard to pinpoint as the value of air or a heart and brain. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote:
“The first wealth is health.”
Do you enjoy feeling sick or feeling fit? One of the greatest horrors in the world is that every sixth person is suffering from starvation. For these people sustenance is priceless.
In conclusion the greatest reward a being can give another is gratitude, love, health and sustenance. In the end these things have an immeasurable value. Much more so than money, which is a promise made by a bank controlled by a government that in turn is nothing but an elected institution that indulges in governance, which is the act, manner or function of governing and controlling.
Remember that when you buy something you are only shifting around a promise made by a bank to eventually pay the value of the note, which a bank never does. You cannot walk into a bank and say: “Hey give me the value of €100!” This makes the illegal act of destroying money even more stupid. How can the destruction of an illusionary value be illegal? Especially if that very same illusionary value has been a reward given for a job well done. Is that reward not yours to do with as you wish?
Never forget that money, and material wealth, only has the value you yourself grant it. For instance a bottle of vodka of the best brand might be of great value to a drunk, but have the value of stale puke to a man or woman that does not indulge in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
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