Monuments (re-evolution part 6)

Why are there so many statues and monuments erected all over the world that hail war mongering kings and corrupt ideals (such as war)? Why are there so few statues that instead hail knowledge or freedom? Well, because then we would be reminded of these things, and if we keep thinking about freedom we will become more free (just as positive thinking makes you more positive). There is little you can do about this other than ignoring these statues, and you should, because they are meaningless. It is also not good to cling too much to the past. After all we do live in the present.
Tombstones, too, is a bad habit that needs to be flushed out because it’ll do us good to think about death in other ways than with fear. Besides death is just a worry for those who have yet things undone.
If we want to break down these walls that surround us, and keeps us from seeing the true world that is out there, many things needs to be adressed. To unbrainwash oneself is not an easy feat, and I understand that to question ones own family or traditions may be hard, but to simply ignore what society deems great (such as statues of kings) is not as difficult and a great place to begin.
So free your mind, and close your eyes!
Further readings:
Holy Days will never die... why?
Read the other Re-evolution parts:
Calendars - part 1
Money - part 2
Law - part 3
Education - part 4
Race - part 5
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