The Walls of Distraction

Yes, many have travelled far, grown wiser, expanded ones mind, journeyed into the astral plane etc, but always, though, returned. Even when a great meditational session is over we all return. Even if we see the world with different eyes we are still here!
There are walls of distraction that clouds and distracts us, force obligations upon us, lock invisible chains on our minds. There are obvious ones that have been discussed like money, law, society, calendars, family and then there are more deeply rooted ones like food and air... sex!
Are these things that makes us return from that place we visit in our higher minds?
I see the world as a false reality, not an evil one (although it is pretty nasty - but there is beauty too). It is false because it is incomplete, because there is more there than we can see with the naked, or untrained, eye. It is the old image of are we waking up from sleep, or are we falling asleep when we wake up?
All this esoteric/occult/new age stuff is good for nothing in the end unless there is a radical change in lifestyle. There needs to be a complete divorce from this reality... and that can be a daunting task!
I guess this is what my Re-Evolution series can adress...
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