Race (re-evolution part 5)
I have always said that I am a racist, because I hate the human race! All jokes aside race is what makes us who we are, or so we are led to believe... what race really does is makes us blind. It is only the color of the car we are driving, the brand of the clothes we wear - nothing more - and it will never ever be anything else. Therefore any person who is driven by race either with love or hate is nothing but a pathetic moron. Just as women are not born women, they become women, so is the different races created. None are born white or black, they become white or black. We need to stop thinking in these terms, and I don't need to convince a lot of people that racial thinking is wrong - at least we have come that far. But race is still locked into our core, it is still part of our subconsciousness.
As long as patriotism and nationalism flourish the race issue will never die (read my short essay patrinationalism, that I've posted a link to at the end of this post). It divides us and divided we are. We might dream of a unity, a world without racism, but we do not join together in achieving this. Our problem is that we are locked into all these -isms that keeps us seperate. Yes, united we sleep, divided we dream! And never shall those dreams be fulfilled.
Before nation, before flag, before community and all that we have the family - and family is a more intimate version of race. It is your personal race, or blood, that you belong to. You might see the human race as one race, but you will see your mother or brother as more important - as closer to you. This is a dangerous lie!
Before we can eradicate racism, and racial thinking, we need to squash the concept of the family. It is indeed a controversial thing to say, or do, but really is not so at all. It will not make us lonley, nor does it imply that you should stop loving those of the same branch on the treee as you. All it does is it will clear your mind!
Blood doesn't matter!
For thousands of years people have died and suffered because of their blood, it can't be ignored that this is not a part of our subconscious heritage. Question your family, and love those around you equally related by blood or not (we are all related anyway). And don't draw a line with humans only. Include animals too, even insects and nature!
Stop racism... no... stop group mentality,
that is what it is all about!
Further readings:
Read the other Re-evolution parts:
Calendars - part 1
Money - part 2
Law - part 3
Education - part 4
© deviadah
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