Law (re-evolution part 3)

Sci-fci author Robert A. Heinlein wrote:
“When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, ‘This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,’ the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything - you can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.”There are three laws in society, and they are:
1. Natural law = which governs our lives without the need for any external force, like demand for nutrition, air, sex and such matters.In the excellent essay Anarchism - what it really stands for Emma Goldman writes:
2. Silent law = which governs what we feel is right and wrong, like murder, rape, helping those in need etc.
3. Governmental law = the function of this law is to avoid chaos and disorder (supposedly) and some of the laws here are already under Silent law, apart from the fact that this law carries with it various punishments.
"The most absurd apology for authority and law is that they serve to diminish crime. Aside from the fact that the State is itself the greatest criminal, breaking every written and natural law, stealing in the form of taxes, killing in the form of war and capital punishment, it has come to an absolute standstill in coping with crime. It has failed utterly to destroy or even minimize the horrible scourge of its own creation.Basically it does not matter if murder or rape is illegal, it does not stop rapists and murderers from commiting these crimes. A better society, a more free society, might lessen these crimes; who knows? The point I am trying to make is that the Natural and the Silent law are already there, and will always be, and the only laws we need. Any other law is inhumane, facist or corrupt.
Crime is naught but misdirected energy. So long as every institution of today, economic, political, social, and moral, conspires to misdirect human energy into wrong channels; so long as most people are out of place doing the things they hate to do, living a life they loathe to live, crime will be inevitable, and all the laws on the statutes can only increase, but never do away with, crime."
What society tries to say is that we would not have a consciousness without the law, we would become savage beasts, but the law is a false consciousness - and nothing more!
One can write about these matters for days on end, but my intention is planting seeds and keeping this relatively short so I will end by saying that in order to tear down these walls that surrounds this false reality, we must also tear down the laws that keep these walls standing. Don't be afraid of fines, nor of prison... if they place you there simply because you refuse to fall in line they - the government - have simply proved your point that they are a facist regime and you are their subject. If they are not, they will let you be.
There are hundreds of laws out there that you do not need to follow, and none of them concerns violence or theft... most of them are bureaucratic. Pick one, and then severely brake it!
Good luck!
Further readings:
Gutter Press, The
Read the other Re-evolution parts:
Calendars - part 1
Money - part 2
Let me end this entry by announcing a completly new MP3 site of nameless music:

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