In the whole world it is difficult to find a safer and more modern place than Sweden, and even if you do will that nation have the same values? Will it see the individual as obliged to control his own life, but with the constant blanket of the State to protect him/her if things turn bad? Will it judge every great thing to be not too much and not too little? Will it be ashamed of achievement and proud of standards? Will it fear patriotism yet love it all the same? Will it be democratic yet have monarchs too? Will it be neutral yet manufacture and export products of war? Will it be safe and still have its leaders murdered on the street? Will life be of such a high quality that it results in more suicides than almost anywhere else in the world? Will it be a small and insignificant nation with a past of conquering glory? Will it deem itself as boring, stiff and artistically impotent yet be efficient, professional and altruistic? Will it deem the greatest compliment to be worthy only if it comes from bigger and more powerful states? Will it whine that nothing will happen and yet hope that nothing will? If so then you have found another Sweden, although it seems improbable you have.
If Capitalism and Communism ever formed the perfect union the offspring would be a lot like Sweden. And sure perhaps compared to more downright genocide infested nations the problems of Sweden seem luxurious, but Freedom should never be pigeonholed. Either you have it or you don’t, and if you don’t then it does not matter where you are or how well you live. If you are not truly free you are nothing but a slave, and then there is only one thing left for you to do; break free…
© deviadah
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