Nidhogg is a Norse dragon that, when not tending to the destruction of the roots of Yggdrasil, punishes the most wicked dead by sucking on their corpses for sustinence. Just like Nidhogg we need to detroy the roots of the world i.e. TRADITIONS and CULTURES to form new and better ones, and like Nidhogg we must devour all evil doers because the world needs Freedom, Justice and Truth! --- Updated: 21st of Jan 2009

LATEST NEWS (JAN): Don't believe the Obama hype, war is still coming! Feel free to comment here on this site... if you have something intelligent to say that is!

December 29, 2006

New Ears Eve

Well the year is coming to an end, and like most things the reason we blow shit up before the new year comes is to scare away evil forces so they won't stick around. Fear, even here, yet again. Is this what all our traditions are based upon? It seems so. I feel so alone... am I the only one in the world who wish bad things for bad people? Are things never going to change? Do I have to become a 'real' terrorist to wake people up or are they so numb they won't. Fuck 2007!

The evil forces won't be scared away with fireworks, they will linger next year, and the next, and the next and...

© deviadah


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