Nidhogg is a Norse dragon that, when not tending to the destruction of the roots of Yggdrasil, punishes the most wicked dead by sucking on their corpses for sustinence. Just like Nidhogg we need to detroy the roots of the world i.e. TRADITIONS and CULTURES to form new and better ones, and like Nidhogg we must devour all evil doers because the world needs Freedom, Justice and Truth! --- Updated: 21st of Jan 2009

LATEST NEWS (JAN): Don't believe the Obama hype, war is still coming! Feel free to comment here on this site... if you have something intelligent to say that is!

November 03, 2006


Logos... no it’s not the term given when the describing two or more brands but a much older concept. Logos is essentially the Greek word for the logical or reasoning mind of God. In Old Testament terms Logos would be translated Word, in Greek terms it would be Reason. It stands for more than spoken words. Behind all spoken words are thoughts, which are part of the mind, and the mind has an affinity with reason. Reason is the structure of orderly action. That ultimate reality was reasonable was reason itself. Because human beings have the capacity for reason it was believed by Jesus and Gnostic Christians that our destiny is to make contact with divine reason and like God discern ultimate truths.

Logos also means man’s ability to recognize reality, or theoretical reason, man’s ability to reason. In a speech by Philip K. Dick called How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later, which he delivered in 1978, he wittily explains:
“Logos was both that which thought, and the thing which it thought: thinker and thought together. The universe, then, is thinker and thought, and since we are part of it, we as humans are, in the final analysis, thoughts of and thinkers of those thoughts. God help us if the man who translated my novel Ubik into German were to do a translation from the koine Greek into German of the New Testament. He did all right until he got to the sentence “I am the word.” That puzzled him. What can the author mean by that? he must have asked himself, obviously never having come across the Logos doctrine. So he did as good a job of translation as possible. In the German edition, the Absolute Entity which made the suns, made the worlds, created the lives and the places they inhabit, says of itself: I am the brand name. Had he translated the Gospel according to Saint John, I suppose it would have come out as: When all things began, the brand name already was. The brand name dwelt with God, and what God was, the brand name was.”
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