Two Cents!
I've got two point to make today. First let me ask: why don't we stop harassing African nations about money they don't have? It is not like we need it. Just scratch the debts. And it is not like it was the people who took those loans, but dictators and greedy fucks. Let's unite as mankind. Let us make those winning loose for once. Cancel all debts by the way. Across the globe! Suicide bomb every bank in the fucking world!
My other point is that we have now used leaders for thousands of years and just read a history book... it's like some never-ending splatterfilm. Let's try NOT having them! I know all those opposed to this idea will give their reasons why a leaderless society won't work - even give examples of leaderless societies that went ape shit; but hey let me just say that compared to thousands of years of crap it is about time we give it a serious try on a large scale. And then after a few generations we can evaluate and then, if it didn't work, go back to the shitty pseudo-democratic systems we have now!
© deviadah
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